If you are thinking of having a large chuck out of clothes you’ve had for one year too many and treating yourself to a new wardrobe, there’s a few things to keep in mind. Here are a few things to ask yourself before and during the amalgamation of your new wardrobe.
Work out what it is that made you want to change your wardrobe up. For many men, it is simply a case of it’s reached a point where it has be done, as you have just not had the time or patience to give your wardrobe much thought, and that’s fair enough. But now is the time to ask yourself if you want a long term investment, or something short term, that you will be updating regularly. There is not a right or wrong answer here, it is the more case of you understanding yourself what your motives are so you can have a more accurate MO when you go shopping.
What colours, styles and brands work for you? And do you want to shake that up at all? A lot like the previous point, there is no wrong answer here. If you know what style suits you and you like it, then great, try and find something similar that will simply freshen up your wardrobe. But, if you’re getting tired of a certain style, brand, or colour then a new wardrobe is the perfect time to broaden your horizons and maybe buy a few pieces you wouldn’t normally to branch out and see what works with you. Don’t expect it to be a success straight away, and there might be a few bumps in the road, but there won’t be an easier time to do this, than when you’re dealing with a fresh start.
Allow variety and versatility. If you are getting a completely new wardrobe from head to toe, it is good to leave yourself with different options. They key to having a variety of clothing is having a strong foundation of versatile clothes to begin with. These can vary from anything like relatively neutral trousers to Mens Slydes, which has taken the traditional slider, and have helped transform it into a hybrid of comfort and fashion. Pieces like this can go with a full array of outfits, and allows you big, branded or bold pieces of clothing really stand out, instead of looking overcrowded.