Home Improvement

Fire Prevention Musts That All Property Owners Should Practice

A fire is a frightening event that could lead to severe property damage requiring fire damage repair and even death or serious injuries to anyone on the site. The statistics on fire events show that many could have been prevented with some commonsense fire safety measures. There are some fire prevention musts that all property owners should practice to lower the chances of fire and the destructive aftermath. All properties should be regularly inspected to ensure that there are no obvious fire hazards. Electrical boxes, heating and air conditioning units, kitchen stoves and other appliances, fireplaces and other potential fire hazards should be regularly checked to ensure proper working condition.

Many fires start or spread rapidly due to hazardous chemicals or other items known to be highly flammable present. Some homeowners store dangerous chemicals in their basements or garages. If something needs to be stored, the property owner should read and implement all recommended safety storage instructions. Sometimes junk can be accumulated that could be a fire threat. Many people store old papers, books and other paper type items in their small attic or storage spaces. Attics can get extremely hot during the warm summer months. To avoid the danger of spontaneous combustion get rid of flammable items stored in dangerous conditions.

Children are naturally curious when they are young. It is imperative that parents teach their children to never play with matches or lighters. These items should be locked out of their reach. Even young toddlers figure out how to spark a lighter by rolling it on the floor. Real wood burning fireplaces or wood stoves should have fire screens to keep sparks from flying out and igniting something in the room. Additionally, parents should always monitor their stove when cooking if young children are present. Older kids should be taught basic kitchen fire prevention strategies.

It is critically important to have operational smoke and fire detectors in every home or business. Batteries for these devices should be changed at least every six months. Fire experts recommend changing these batteries during the time changes in spring and fall. Families should regularly have fire drills, and there should be a clear meeting spot outdoors. Many local fire departments offer fantastic tips or training for just this purpose. Business owners need to follow fire safety rules by holding regular mandated fire drills.

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